January 20, 2012

sweet sixteen. part I

my favourite cafe, where i got together with a few friends for my birthday. this post mainly consists of the presents and the food, and the photos with me in it were taken by anna. part II will be the developed negatives taken on my kodak retina IIa, mainly of the graffiti around the area.

the cake which linden & anna brought for me

profile of linden

le kodak retina IIa +  half eaten cake

linden & anna

a british travel themed present with a handmade passport, postcard, map, airway ticket, shortbread & a mug which looks exactly like a lens (but in this picture it's in the box to the left)

an extremely old photograph of me used to haunt me on a birthday card

the lens mug! with an everlasting flower in the straw

a handmade book box with knick knacks in it, including the disguise specs


At January 27, 2012 at 3:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steph, Hope you had an incredible Birthday and this year being 16 is absolutely wonderful! i check back on your blog all the time, i simply love seeing your photography skills blossum!
your photos are amazing, Love always,Brauton.


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