February 5, 2011

mini me in sydney / penrith

this holiday post is a bit different to the melbourne one because a majority of the photos are of my sister instead of me. after the 365 day project i'm jumping at every chance to take the photos myself and have full control over what i see and freeze into a still moment forever. 
at the start of feb the family and i went up towards sydney and stayed in chifley's penrith for two and a half days. photos in the red top and blue shorts are at the hotel's pool and shower. photos in the pink dress are at the botanic gardens, and photos in the blue floral dress are at the officer's mess. the only pictures of me are with the sheep statue, on the left of the black and white jumping photo and the second photo below. there are a couple of photos of complete strangers which i managed to capture for my "take pictures of 100 people i don't know" project (apart of my day zero list). unfortunately i missed too many opportunities to capture other strangers with striking suits and beards or business men on children's scooters because the camera was tucked away in the bag, but experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. 
next time i'll have it glued to my hands.


one of my favourite parts of darling harbour, sydney, were the playgrounds. the waterpark, the sandpit playgrounds and the one with steep climbing walls and underground tunnels were some of the best playgrounds i've ever been to. i had some good ideas in mind now that tanya was my model and would fit the playground theme. when i got there, the whole thing was fenced off. looking through this 'sneak peek' window was all that was left until they recreate the area. 

one of three breakdancers busking in a roofless mall. 

a kindred spirit who served me a strawberry cream with cheesecake and 
caramel sauce crepe for breakfast. also the first to have their picture taken for my
 "take pictures of 100 people i don't know" project.
i really adore this photo, if you laugh at it i will kill you.


At February 8, 2011 at 8:04 AM , Blogger Tracey said...

I love your blog but I cant find the follow you!
What camera do you use? I'm just start off. I'm starting the a photo a day challenge,


At February 8, 2011 at 4:19 PM , Blogger Steph Comfort said...

thank you :] that's strange at the top of my page it has the follow button along with 'share', 'report abuse'and 'next blog' but i'm not sure how to enable/disable followers.
i use a nikon d5000.
good luck and have fun with it :o)


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